李承泉 2007级学生 山东省实验中学

山大中加项目2007级学生李承泉在多伦多大学商学院就读期间,与两位同学共同创办了Notesolution公司,帮助超过300万北美学生取得优异成绩。李承泉在校期间不仅成绩优异,而且学以致用、成就斐然。毕业后,李承泉依托山大中加项目校友资源的巨大优势,进一步扩大其经营规模,公司先后获得“全加十大创新型公司”,"加拿大政府科技创新奖”等多项荣誉。李承泉和他的合伙人团队在2018年度获得《福布斯》北美地区“30位30岁以下商界精英”(30 Under 30)的荣誉。这是“中国合伙人”另一现实版本。

Li, Chengquan, class 2009 student

Chengquan established Notesolution Inc. with two of his classmates while studying at the University of Toronto Business School. The technology they developed helps millions of students achieve academic success through the creation of exam study guides, lecture notes and video tutorials.   Chengquan not only achieved academic excellence but also applied what he had learned and achieved in establishing a remarkable company. After graduation, he further expanded his business and won the honor of "30 Under 30 Business Elites" (30 Under 30) by Forbes North America in 2018

By studying overseas Chengquan was exposed to new research and technologies along with discovering other cultures and backgrounds.


张赟 2007级学生 青岛市第二中学


Zhang, Yun, class 2009 student

In 2009, Yun received an offer from the University of Alberta, and went on to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Physics in 2012, and Master’s Degree in Physics in 2017. He has published eleven research papers, and currently work in his major for a local company in Jinan, China.

University graduates like Yun gain professional qualifications that are recognized and respected worldwide.



董晓睿 2006级学生 山东省青岛第五十八中学


Dong, Xiaorui, class 2008 student

Xiaorui completed a bachelor’s degree from the University of Calgary, and master’s degree from the University of Toronto.  He was awarded several scholarships to support his studies.   Currently, he works as an R&D engineer at the Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology.

Studying overseas provided Xiaorui with the opportunity to travel and experience life that has broadened his perspective.


岳松 2006级学生 山东省平度第一中学


Yue, Song, class 2008 student

After successfully obtaining a master's degree from St. Mary's University, Song spent one year visiting different cities to experience life in Canada. Today, he is a Budget Manager for Bell Canada, one of the largest telephone and network communication companies in Canada.

Overseas university studies helped Song build initiative and leadership skills that can be used for life.


侯文洋 2005级学生 山东师范大学附属中学


Hou, Wenyang, Class 2007

Wenyang entered the University of British Columbia in 2005.  Following graduation, he enrolled into McGill University to study for a master's degree in genetic engineering and a doctorate in human genetics. To support his studies, he received a Fellowship Scholarship, including an additional $20,000 which is awarded to deserving students.  Wenyan’s achievements are recognized widely. In 2016, he published three research articles and continues to participate in international academic seminars.

Beyond Wenyang’s academic achievements, University is where he built his first adult networks and met friends and mentors that have become his friends and colleagues.


翟倩 2003级学生 山东省淄博市第一中学

2003年9月进入山东大学中加合作办学项目学习,2005年8月被加拿大阿尔伯塔大学录取,2006-2007学年获一等荣誉学生奖章(First class hornor),2008年获得阿尔伯塔大学金融数学学士学位,2010年加拿大阿尔伯塔大学研究生毕业,取得金融数学硕士学位。CFA国际特许金融分析师二级。现就职于中国工商银行,2018年公派至菲律宾工作,现任中国工商银行马尼拉分行营业部主管。

Zhai Qian, class 2005 student 

Qian entered the GSP program at Shandong University in September 2003 and was then admitted to the University of Alberta in Canada in August 2005. In the 2006-2007 academic years, she was awarded their First-Class Honor Student Medal and completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Financial Mathematics in 2008.  She went on to earn a Master's Degree in Financial Mathematics in 2010 and CFA International Chartered Financial Analyst Level 2 designation. She works for the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China as the Head of their Business Department.

Overseas studies in English enhanced Qian’s communication skills building confidence when meeting new people.


梅晓丹 2003级学生 山东省广饶县第一中学


Mei, Xiaodan, class 2005 student

Xiaodan entered the GSP program at Shandong University in 2003 and was admitted to Trent University in Canada in 2005. In 2008, she received an Honorary Bachelor's Degree in Economics from Trent University. In the same year, she was admitted to the University of Saskatchewan for postgraduate studies and received a Master of Arts degree in 2010.  She has been working at Dongying Vocational Institute. She is a lecturer, teacher, intermediate-level economist, and a national cross-border e-commerce job trainer.

The GSP program gave Xiandan the opportunity to fast-track his studies and a career that was his choice.


王晓伟 2001级学生 重庆市云阳高级中学

“出国是一次改变的机会 ”。“出国留学不只是学到一些知识,不仅是学术上的提高,更多的是从一个什么都不会,什么都需要爸妈帮助的一个懵懵懂懂的小伙子、小女孩儿变成了一个有自主能力,有独立思考能力,有实现自我价值能力的人。这是出国对我最大的帮助。”

Wang, Xiaowei, class 2003 student

"Studying abroad is an opportunity for change. It is not only about learning and academic success but maturing from a young man or woman who needs their parent’s guidance, to a self-determined person with independence of thought and action, critical thinking skills, and awareness of one’s own personal values.   This is the greatest benefit achieved by me from studying abroad.”



姚航 2002级学生 山东省实验中学

2002年9月进入山东大学中加合作办学项目学习,2004年8月被加拿大曼尼托巴大学录取,2006学年进入机械工程系,2010年获得曼尼托巴大学机械工程学士学位,同年成为曼尼托巴工程师地质科学家协会(Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba)注册工程师(EIT)。大学期间的项目式作业被教授选中,申请成为学校科研专利。现任山东微克环保科技有限公司总经理,工程师,致力于工业粉尘治理领域新技术产品的研发和推广,获得多项发明专利。

Yao, Hang, class 2004 student

In September 2002, Yao Hang entered the GSP program at Shandong University.  In August 2004, she was admitted to the University of Manitoba, Canada and in 2006, entered the Department of Mechanical Engineering.  In 2010, she obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Manitoba and earned the title of Engineer in Training from Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba.  During her time at university, she was selected by faculty to apply for the school's scientific research patent.  She is currently the general manager and engineer of Shandong Weike Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. She is committed to research and development of innovative technology products in the field of industrial dust control and has obtained a number of invention patents. 

In addition to Hang’s academic achievements, she met friends and mentors that have become future contacts and colleagues.



王安珩 2008级学生 天津大学附属中学


Wang, AnHeng,  Class of 2010 

He is a working hard student in GSP program, and also get a very good study habit. Show his excellent skill of independence and communication abilities. Graduated from University of Regina, he got an 8-month co-op paid internship with the Department of Energy.  He has returned to China to start a business.



任丛丛 2008级学生 山师大附属中学

任丛丛同学通过在山大中加项目两年的刻苦努力,进入加拿大阿尔伯塔大学商学院修读市场学专业。在获得阿尔伯塔大学的商学学士学位后,奔赴英国爱丁堡大学(2021QS世界大学排名第20位,英国排名第5位)商学院攻读国际商务硕士研究生,并最终以优异成绩获得一等荣誉学位。“Do Greater Things!”这句话是阿尔伯塔大学在2013年毕业典礼上送给学生们的寄语。毕业至今这句话一直被任丛丛奉为自己的人生格言。目前任丛丛就职于山东舜和酒店集团,任山东舜和酒店总经理。云程发轫,万里可期,勇攀人生高峰!

Ren, Congcong class of 2010

Congcong entered the University of Alberta School of Business to major in marketing. After obtaining a Bachelor's Degree in Business, she went to the University of Edinburgh for a Master's Degree in International Business, finally receiving a first-class degree with honors.

Students like Congcong are given the chance to travel and experience life overseas through study abroad programs.


刘湉 2009级学生 潍坊市昌乐一中


Liu Tian, ​​class 2011 student

Liu Tian entered the GSP program at Shandong University in 2009 and was admitted to Mount Ellison University in Canada in 2011, majoring in economics. She furthered her studies at the University of Buckingham in the United Kingdom and obtained a Master's Degree in Finance.  After returning to China, she obtained work with the Shandong Cultural Industry Investment Group Co., Ltd.   As a leader in the business, Liu Tian is well positioned for further success in work and in life.

University studies overseas allowed Tian to conquer intellectual challenges and develop a sense of achievement.


刘子钦 2010级学生 山东省莱州市第一中学


Liu Ziqin, Class 2012 student

After completing two years of study in GSP program, Liu Ziqin entered the University of Alberta School of Business in 2012 and then obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing. With the advantage of learning English and advanced academic accomplishments, he returned to China to work in a large state-owned enterprise and is currently the company's business department manager in Namibia, Africa.

Ziqin learned to try new things and to not be afraid to open oneself up to new opportunities.


阴斌斌 2012级学生 陕西省镇安中学


Yin Binbin, Class 2014 student

Yin Binbin graduated from the University of British Columbia in Canada, majoring in economics and mathematics. He has been engaged in international aid in Africa for years. He founded and served as the Chairman of the Dream Building Service Association. He is known as the "dream maker" for the disadvantaged in Africa. He is also the head of The International Free Lunch Project. He has built three schools in Africa, provided food to more than 10,000 African children every day, provided scholarships to thousands of students, established a football team, and held talent shows to identify exceptional youth. In November 2020, Yin Binbin was listed on the "2020 Forbes China Under 30 Elite List".



任迪雅 2013级学生 广东湛江市第二中学


Ren Diya, class 2013 student

Ren entered the University of British Columbia to study and after a lot of challenging work and effort obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering. After returning to China, he worked for Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. as a software engineer. At present, he is working for Alibaba’s overseas e-commerce operation as a software engineer.

Diya interacted with inspiring academic staff who are leading experts in their field.


刘恬卉 2013级学生 山东省烟台第二中学


Liu, Tianhui, Class 2015 student

Liu, Tianhui entered the University of Toronto, majoring in computer engineering. During college, Tianhui interned with Thales Group, a large multinational enterprise (ranked 487th in Forbes Global Enterprises and 10th in the Top 100 Global Military Enterprises).   She is currently working for a national high-tech enterprise, Southern Electronic Port Co., Ltd.

Overseas university studies gave Tianhui the opportunity for reflection and a place for her to explore areas of the human experience.


李祥硕 2013级学生 山东省菏泽第一中学


Li Xiangshuo, Class 2015 student

Xiangshuo entered the University of British Columbia in Canada in 2015. In 2020, he obtained a Master of Engineering in Computer Engineeringg. He is now working for Amazon as a software development engineer.

University graduates like Xiangshuo gain professional qualifications that are recognised and respected worldwide.


杨金达 2013级学生 山东省日照第一中学

2013级杨金达同学的本科和研究生均毕业于世界顶尖学府——多伦多大学。他本科期间修读了金融工程和统计学双专业,研究生阶段攻读生物统计学专业,先后在德勤会计师事务所(Deloitte,世界四大会计师事务所之一)和加拿大丰业银行(The Bank of Nova Scotia)实习,毕业后曾在加拿大皇家银行(Royal Bank of Canada)做期货研究员,现在加拿大的EQ Bank 任量化投资组合高级经理

Yang Jinda, class 2015 student

Jinda completed both undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the University of Toronto, Canada. He majored in financial engineering and statistics during his undergraduate studies, and biostatistics during his postgraduate studies. His professional career included work as a futures researcher at the Royal Bank of Canada and is now a senior manager of investment at EQ Bank in Canada.

Jinda learned to apply critical thinking skills which are essential to developing leadership skills.  


梁晓彤 2014级学生 山东省济南第一中学


Liang, Xiaotong, Class 2016 student

ProvinceXiaotong was admitted to the University of Alberta in Canada in 2016, majoring in economics and minoring in mathematics.  She obtained a Bachelor's Degree with Distinction (the highest grade bachelor's degree) with a total GPA of 3.9). She furthered her studies at the University of New South Wales in Australia (ranked forty-three in the world), achieving an Academic Excellence scholarship and completing her master’s degree. Currently, she works in a large state-owned enterprise in China.

Xiaotong interacted with inspiring academic staff who are leading experts in their field.


邵孟夏2014级学生 济南市历城第二中学


Shao, Mengxia, class 2016 student

Mengxia entered the University of Alberta, Canada, and obtained a bachelor's degree in economics. Currently, she is studying at the University of Manchester School of Business, majoring in finance and pursuing a master's degree.  This university is recently ranked 27th in the world. 

By studying overseas Mengxia was exposed to new research and technology along with other cultures and backgrounds.


元艺博 2015级学生 山东聊城第一中学


Yuan, Yibo, Class 2017 student

Yibo successfully entered the University of Alberta School of Business in Canada. She obtained a bachelor’s degree with Distinction (the highest-grade bachelor's degree) with a GPA of 3.7 (total score of 4) and was admitted to the University of New South Wales, Australia, (ranked 45th in the world), as a master's degree student. Yibo continue to create her own brilliance pursuing her academic goals.

Yibo continues to create her own brilliance pursuing her academic goals.


庞博文 2015级 山东省实验中学 

庞博文同学于2015年进入山东大学中加合作办学项目学习,2017年以GPA95分的优异成绩被多伦多大学录取,主修经济学与统计学双专业、辅修西班牙语,获得荣誉学士学位,2020年进入世界一流的商学院——加拿大女皇大学史密斯商学院攻读创新管理学硕士。2021年10月,庞博文凭借优异的在校成绩和表现,被拿大多伦多TP-LINK 普联技术有限公司(全球领先的网络通讯设备供应商)聘用,目前担任策划主管,前途无量。

Pang, Bowen Class 2017

Bowen was admitted to the University of Toronto receiving a  Bachelor's Degree with honors in Economics and Statistics, and minor in Spanish, In 2020 Pang entered Queen's University Smith School of Business to obtain a Master of Innovation Management. In October 2021, he was hired by TP-LINK Technology Co., Ltd. (the world's leading network communication equipment supplier) in Toronto.  His current position is Planning Director.

Beyond Bowen’s academic achievements, University is where he built his first adult networks and met friends and mentors that have become his friends and colleagues.


王钰慧 2016级学生 济南历城二中

2016级王钰慧同学在中加班两年学习成绩优异,2018年进入加拿大女皇大学后持之以恒,最终以GPA3.9分获得Distinction荣誉学士学位(最高等级学士学位)。2020年王钰慧同学进入多伦多大学信息系攻读硕士研究生,并作为信息系学生会国际学生代表参与会议决策,致力于为国际学生营造良好的学习环境,提供可用资源和有效帮助。学业之余,王钰慧同学加入了Talkshow Center字幕组,为热播英美电视电影节目提供字幕翻译服务,展示了她深厚的语言功底。

Wang, Yuhui, class 2018 student

Yuhui, entered Queen's University in Canada in 2018 obtaining a bachelor’s degree with distinction and a GPA of 3.9. In 2020, she entered the Department of Information Technology at the University of Toronto to study for a master's degree.   While at University of Toronto she participated in organizing activities as a representative of the student union for international students.  She is committed to creating a great learning environment for international students, providing available resources and effective support services. In her spare time, she also joined the “Talkshow Center Subtitle Group” to provide subtitle translation services for popular British and American TV and movie programs, demonstrating her superior English language skills.



谭鸿飞  2017级学生  山东省泰安第一中学

谭鸿飞同学在中加班两年学习期间成绩优秀,获2017级“优秀学生”荣誉称号;2019年进入卡尔加里大学攻读心理学专业,期间加入PSYCHS Club(心理学专业社团)、参与创建Schizophrenia Awareness Club(研究和服务精神分裂症群体的社团)、入选卡尔加里大学文学院2020年度 Dean’s List(院长荣誉名单,这是一项授予学业成绩突出同学的特别荣誉)。谭鸿飞同学在本科期间即发表数篇学术论文,展现了扎实的专业功底和较强的科研能力,目前在多伦多大学的Ontario Institute for Studies in Education(安大略教育研究所)攻读发展心理学硕士学位,并有志于继续攻读博士学位,在学术研究的道路上书写精彩人生!

Tan, Hongfei, class 2019 student

Hongfei entered the University of Calgary in 2019 to study psychology, during which he joined Psychology Club and participated in the creation of a Schizophrenia Awareness Club and was selected to the 2020 Dean's List.  Hongfei has published several academic papers during his undergraduate studies.  He is currently studying for a master's degree in Developmental Psychology at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. Hongfei is interested in continuing his studies towards a doctoral degree and continuing his academic research.

Beyond Hongfei’s academic achievements he learned about being independent, time management, prioritising, balancing multiple deadlines and being active.


董奕君  2018级学生  山东师范大学附属中学

董奕君同学在中加班两年学习努力,成绩优异,曾先后荣获中加班当年度学业奖学金及雅思单项奖学金,凭借在中加班的优异成绩和出色表现,成功收获了加拿大阿尔伯塔大学和女皇大学的录取通知书。 2020年9月进入阿尔伯塔大学学习,主修经济学、辅修数学,通过自己持之以恒的努力,2021年6月获得阿尔伯塔大学文学院Dean’s List荣誉(院长荣誉名单,授予学业成绩突出同学的特别荣誉)。 2021年12月下旬,以GPA3.6分(总分4分)的优异成绩申请了英国利物浦大学(世界排名189)及诺丁汉大学(世界排名103)硕士研究生,且均被录取。2022年9月份将赴英国继续硕士学习。

Dong, Yijun, Class 2018 student 

Yijun studied hard during two years in the GSP program at Shandong achieving both academic scholarships and IELTS individual scholarships.  She then received offers from the University of Alberta and Queen's University in Canada.

Yujin entered the University of Alberta in September 2020 to study, majoring in economics and minoring in mathematics. Through her efforts, in June 2021, she was named to the Dean's Honor List.  In late December 2021, with a GPA of 3.6 (total score of 4), she applied for a master's degree at the University of Liverpool (189 in the world ranking) and the University of Nottingham (103 in the world ranking), and both were accepted. In September 2022, she will go to the UK to complete her master's degree.

Yijun cherishes the opportunity to travel and experience life overseas.



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  • CNEEC was awarded "Shandong University Overseas Talents Workstation in Vancouver"

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  • Lily Liu attended the reception in honour of Canada’s 150th anniversary and Ambassador John McCallum’s first visit to Chongqing

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  • Education Officer of Consulate-General of Canada in Chongqing Visited to SWJTU

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  • CNEEC Delegation Visit University of Alberta

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  • CNEEC Seeks New Business Opportunities with Local School Board

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  • International Summer Session Program of Southwest Jiaotong University

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  • Welcoming New Students at the General Study Program, Southwest Jiaotong University

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  • Welcoming the 2014 Cohort of New Students

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  • Meeting with Mr. Guy Saint-Jacques, Canada’s ambassador to the P.R.China

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  • Meeting with Richard Lee, MLA Burnaby North on May 2, 2014

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  • CNEEC’s Tour to Alberta to Meet Partners

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  • CNEEC Delegates Visited University of Saskatchewan and University of Manitoba

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  • Representative of University of Alberta Visited CNEEC Chengdu Office

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  • Representative from Brock University Visited CNEEC

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  • Professor Russell Nicholson from Simon Fraser University Visited General Study Program

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  • Congratulations on Shandong University Awarded the "Valued Source of Students for the U of Alberta"

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  • Director of Divisions of Student Affairs and External Relations, University of Victoria visited GSP

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  • Plaque Awarding Ceremony – University of Alberta to GSP SWJTU

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  • Laurentian University Representatives visited the CNEEC Chengdu Office and GSP of SWJT University

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  • CNEEC Delegates Visited University of Alberta

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  • CNEEC Delegates Visited University of The Fraser Valley

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  • Shandong University Delegation Visited GSP Students in Canada

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  • CNEEC director met with Representative from Saint Mary’s University

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  • University of Alberta Representatives Visited the CNEEC Chengdu office and GSP of SWJT University

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  • University of Alberta Representatives Visited the CNEEC Chengdu office and GSP of SWJT University

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  • CNEEC Facilitates Connection Between U of A and SWJT University

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  • CNEEC Delegates Visited University of Victoria

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  • University of Calgary visited CNEEC Chengdu Office

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  • Chengdu Office Visitor from University of Manitoba

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  • Chengdu Office Visitor from University of Saskatchewan

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  • Mrs. Sue Butler visited CNEEC Jinan Office

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  • CNEEC Director visited 11 universities in Ontario

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  • Synergy ’09 Education Conference at Pearson Convention Center

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  • CNEEC Director visited University of Alberta on September

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